by Sharon Hall | Oct 22, 2015 | New publications
Convergence of microclimate in residential landscapes across diverse cities in the United States...
by Sharon Hall | Oct 19, 2015 | Nature at ASU
Sharon has joined the leadership of the new ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes as Associate Director of Diversity and Education. CBO’s mission is to enable the discoveries and solutions needed to conserve and sustainably manage the Earth’s biodiversity in a...
by Sharon Hall | Aug 12, 2015 | Events, Jobs
Caitlin was mentored by Dr. Jayne Belnap (USGS) as a part of the SEEDS program at the 2015 meeting of the Ecological Society of America. What a terrific opportunity, Caitlin!
by Sharon Hall | Aug 12, 2015 | Events, Posters and presentations
You’re well on your way to succeeding in graduate school, Julea. Congratulations!
by Sharon Hall | Jul 24, 2015 | Our team
We’re building a website with photos from our fun-filled activities. Check it out here!
by Sharon Hall | May 22, 2015 | Awards
Congratulations to Caitlin Holmes and Julea Shaw for receiving prestigious fellowships from the SEEDS program to attend the Ecological Society of America 100th Anniversary meeting in Baltimore, MD!
by Sharon Hall | May 20, 2015 | Events
Welcome to our new website! While we are working out some of the kinks, please let me know if you find any errors or omissions. You can email me (Sharon) with comments here.